Сръбските кметове в Косово подават оставка, има напрежение

Всички четирима кметове на доминираните от сърби общини в Северно Косово подадоха оставка в знак на протест срещу решението на Прищина да въведе 100%  митинически тарифи върху вноса от Сърбия и Босна, пише електронната медия Balkan Insight. За подаването на оставката...

Serb mayors in Kosovo resign amid tensions

All four mayors of the Serb-dominated municipalities in North Kosovo resigned in protest of Pristina’s decision to place 100 percent tariffs on imports from Serbia and Bosnia, Balkan Insight reports. While resigning, the mayors also cited violence against Serbs...

Ukraine backs martial law after gunfire at sea

In response to Russian forces firing upon Ukrainian ships and seizing 23 sailors in the Black Sea off the coast of Russian-controlled Crimea, the Ukrainian parliament supported a decree submitted by President Poroshenko and voted to impose martial law for 30 days,...

List of EU states rejecting UN migration pact grows

Thus far, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Italy and Slovakia have announced they will not sign the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration that is due to be formally adopted in Morocco in December, EU Observer...