The United States has suspended Sales of Russian airliner SSJ-100 to Iran

The US sanctions against Iran have prevented the sale of Sukhoi SSJ-100 civil aircrafts to Iran. The high proportion of US-made components on these aircraft allows Washington to block the export of aircraft to the Islamic Republic. Violation of the ban may result in the complete shutdown of US originating supply of equipment for the SSJ 100. The ban has deprived the GSS contract for 40 aircraft and ordersfor a year and a half.

The Office ofr Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department did not authorize the GSS to supply the aircraft, Maxul Samani,Secretary of the Association of Iranian Airlines,  told Iranian news agency ILNA in early January. SSJ 100 consists more than 20% of American components. Under US law, manufacturers must clear through OFAC shipments of components and equipments should the US contribution to the end product exceed 10%.


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